Apply for a Mitochondrial genome sequencing

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For payment (entering your card details) you will be redirected to the payment gateway of Sberbank.

The connection to the payment gateway and the transmission of information is made in secure mode using the SSL encryption protocol.

В случае если Ваш банк поддерживает технологию безопасного проведения интернет-платежей Verifed Ву Visa, MasterCard SecureCode, MlR Accept, J-Secure для проведения платежа также может потребоваться ввод специального пароля.

This website supports 256-bit encryption.

  • The confidentiality of personal information is ensured by Sberbank.
  • Submitted data will not be made available to third parties except in cases required by Russian law.
  • Проведение платежей по банковским картам осуществляется в строгом соответствии с требованиями платёжных систем МИР, Visa lnt., MasterCard Europe sprl, јсв.

Available on credit
Terms of payment on credit

After the payment:

— we will send you an email with your order,

— we will call within your time zone to confirm the address and preferred delivery method.