Paternity Test
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Paternity Test

The paternity test shows whether a person is a biological parent with 99.9% accuracy or whether they are not with 100% accuracy

Free delivery

From anywhere in Russia

2 days

Time of testing from the moment of biomaterial receipt

Accurate 99,9%

The highest level of accuracy on the market

Strictly confidential

All data and results cannot be passed on to third parties

DNA parentage test

What is a parentage test?

A parentage test, more commonly known as a paternity test, determines whether a particular person is the parent of a child.

At conception, the future child receives half paternal and half maternal DNA, so that hereditary information is passed on from both parents.

The procedure involves collecting biological material from the parent (mother or father) and the child: a swab of the inside of the cheek, blood or other biological sample.

DNA is then extracted from it and genetic testing is carried out by identifying specific DNA sequences and comparing them.

A DNA test can confirm or disprove whether the person being tested is the child's biological parent. Our laboratory offers a service to determine direct parentage - maternity and paternity.


To collect your own biomaterial for the test, you will need to:


To carry out the procedure, you will need to have:

— Sterile cotton swabs. The pack of cotton swabs must be new and unopened. Four per person.

— A new paper envelope. One envelope per participant. No plastic bags, plastic containers or other items are allowed.

Sign the envelopes

Sign the paper envelopes before collecting the biomaterial. Indicate on each envelope:

  1. participant's full name
  2. date of birth
  3. relation: father, child, mother
  4. date of biomaterial collection procedure
Rinse your mouth

Before collecting the biomaterial, test participants (children and parents) must

— not eat food for 1 hour (as well as smoke, chew gum, and drink anything other than still water);

— rinse your mouth thoroughly with clean water.

Collection of material

Each person should take a cotton swab by one end and swipe the other end 20-30 times on the inner surface of the cheek with gentle pressure to scrape off the biomaterial.

3-4 tips per person

3-4 cotton tips with samples from each participant must be collected in one envelope.

All samples from different persons must be in separate paper envelopes to avoid cross transfer of biological material. The use of plastic bags is prohibited.

Place half of the cotton swab in the envelope

After collecting the samples, the other end of the swab, which the person was holding with their hand, should be cut off and discarded. The other half of the stick should be placed in the paper envelope.

Seal the envelope

Seal the envelope using a tear-away glue strip on the envelope or another method.

Do not use saliva to seal the envelope.

Call a courier

After the biomaterial collection procedure, call the courier at 8 800 201 83 46The envelopes with the biomaterial must be handed over to the courier. He will put all the envelopes in a common bag for transportation.

The genetic testing process compares sections of the child's DNA with that of the intended parent.

These are called «markers», and the presence or absence of a match confirms or disproves the blood relationship between the test participants with up to 100% accuracy.

Typically, 15 to 30 DNA markers are tested, whereas our test includes 26 DNA markers.

What kind of biomaterial is required?

DNA is present in almost all cells in the body, so the most accessible biomaterial that is often used is a swab of the inside of the cheek (buccal epithelium) or blood. Any biomaterial can be used if necessary, including embryo biopsy material from an IVF cycle.

26 Our test includes 26 DNA markers

DNA testing is considered to be the most accurate testing method available. The parentage test shows:

100% probability of no relation

When comparing individual areas in all people, we can find several different variants ranging from 7 (for the «TPOX» marker) to 39 (for the «SE33» marker) different variants. If we see that certain areas of two people do not have the same variants, we can say for sure that they are not related.

In this case the laboratory gives a 100% guarantee that the owner of the biomaterial provided is not the child's parent.

Parentage probability with 99,9% accuracy

In order to calculate the probability of parentage, it is necessary to know the frequency of occurrence of a variant in the population for each area. If one "common" variant is found in two individuals, one must take into account how rare each of these variants is among all individuals and calculate the probability of relatedness.

Therefore, the «interpretation of result» column of the form indicates how unique the match between parent and child is.

Why is the probability of parentage can't be rounded to 100%?

Because the number of variant combinations for all areas is limited, there is always the possibility that two unrelated people will have the same variant in each area. It also cannot be ruled out that a potential parent has a twin brother or sister. Monozygotic twins have identical DNA sequences, so the test would not be able to determine which one is the parent .

The result will be available in

2 daysafter the biological material has been delivered to the laboratory

When the test is ready, you will receive a form with the result. It will contain the details of the participants (the child and the intended parent) and the conclusion of the research team at the laboratory.

If the result is positive, the conclusion will be:

«The biological relationship of patient no.1 (full name) to patient no.2 (full name) cannot be excluded»

The probability of parentage will be presented below, and with this result the probability of parentage would be approximately 99.9%.

If the result is negative, the conclusion will be as follows:

«Biological parentage of patient no.1 (full name) to patient no.2 (full name) is excluded»

The probability of parentage with this result is 0%.

How do I take a parentage DNA test?

Оплатите на сайте
Price 7 000 ₽
Сдайте кровь или мазок внутренней поверхности щеки

Download instructions
Сразу позвоните курьеру 8 (800) 201-74-63

The courier will pick up the envelopes containing your biomaterial or the kit with your blood on the day of donation and take it to the lab free of charge.

Получите результат на эл. почту через 2 рабочих дня

The results will be sent to the specified e-mail address

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Paternity Test at First Genetics


Working with blood and buccal epithelium (cheek swab)


Years of experience in genetics, laboratory diagnostics and bioinformatics

Strictly confidential

All data is strictly confidential and cannot be passed on to third parties


Results ready in a short time


Extensive control at each stage of testing

Free delivery

Free delivery of biomaterial across Russia

Paternity Test

The paternity test shows whether a person is a biological parent with 99.9% accuracy or whether they are not with 100% accuracy

Call us if you have any questions:
8 (800) 201 83 46