Apply for Non–invasive Prenatal Screening

Free delivery across Russia
Ваше имя
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Patient's information
Full name
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Date of birth
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Height and weight
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Your phone number
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Gestation period (weeks) according to ultrasound data
Filled out incorrectly Мы не выполняем НИПТ, если срок беременности меньше 10 недель
The first day of the last menstruation
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Number of fetuses:
IVF pregnancy:
Суррогатное материнство
Донорство ооцитов

Мы не выполняем НИПТ, если беременность 2 плодами при донорской яйцеклетке или суррогатном материнстве.

I have been informed that:

The testing is not carried out in the following cases:

  • gestation period is less than 10 embryonic weeks at the time of blood sampling for the test;
  • oncological diseases;
  • organ or bone marrow transplantation, stem cell therapy;
  • allogeneic blood transfusion within the previous year;
  • therapy with human serum albumin and/or exogenous DNA cells within the last four weeks;
  • heparin therapy within 24 hours before sampling;
  • the death of one of the fetuses during multiple pregnancy (earlier than 8 weeks after the discovery of a dead fetus);
  • pregnancy with more than two fetuses;
  • pregnancy with two fetuses using donor programs (donor eggs, surrogate motherhood).
How to take the biomaterial
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Time from
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Вызов медсестры на дом возможен только для пациентов, проживающих в Москве в пределах МКАД

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We do not perform NIPT if:

  • gestation period is less than 10 weeks,
  • pregnancy with two fetuses with a donor oocyte or surrogacy.


Blood sampling at the biomaterial sampling points is possible only after payment of the test.

Pay for the test online on our website.

Payment for test at the biomaterial sampling point is available only at CITILAB partner laboratories.

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For payment (entering your card details) you will be redirected to the payment gateway of Sberbank.

The connection to the payment gateway and the transmission of information is made in secure mode using the SSL encryption protocol.

If your bank supports the Verifed By Visa, MasterCard SecureCode, MIR Accept, J-Secure secure online payment technology, you may also be required to enter a special password to complete the payment.

This website supports 256-bit encryption.

  • The confidentiality of personal information is ensured by Sberbank.
  • Submitted data will not be made available to third parties except in cases required by Russian law.
  • Bank card payments are made in strict compliance with the requirements of the payment systems MIR, Visa lnt., MasterCard Europe sprl, jsv.

Available on credit
Terms of payment on credit

After the payment:

— we will send you an email with your order,

— we will call within your time zone to confirm the address and preferred delivery method.