Whole genome sequencing (WGS)
From anywhere in Russia
Занимает 14 рабочих дней. Данные направляются по запросу после выдачи заключения. Бесплатно.
The data can be analysed again after 1-2 years
Whole genome sequencing (WGS) is an analysis of a person's entire DNA sequence, including both protein-coding regions (exome) and non-coding 'silent' regions of the genome.. Whole genome sequencing provides as much information as possible about known or previously undetected genetic alterations that may have caused the development of a disease.
Today, millions of patients with genetic diseases suffer from an unspecified diagnosis. Although in some cases, approaches such as single gene or gene panel testing can identify the cause of disease, the percentage of detectable genetic changes using this approach is rather limited.
The analysis of mutations in coding regions of the genome (whole exome sequencing) accounts for only 1-2% of all DNA.
According to the current literature, the analysis of non-coding DNA sequence variants can provide important information in the diagnosis of genetic diseases.
WGS is a comprehensive overview of a patient's genetic data
Although much more genetic variation can be identified by whole genome sequencing than by single gene or exome sequencing, the significance of the majority of this information is unknown.
Since not all genetic changes affect health, it is not always possible to determine whether the variants identified are the cause of the condition in question.
Sometimes an identified variant is linked to another genetic disorder that has not yet been diagnosed (these are called incidental or secondary findings).
You must give your venous blood sample (4 ml) in vials with EDTA (purple cap vial) in any laboratory in your city. Be sure to sign the vials!
The courier will pick up the kit with your blood and take it to the lab free of charge . 55 рабочих дней необходимо лаборатории для исследования.
Years of experience in genetics, laboratory diagnostics and bioinformatics
All data is strictly confidential and cannot be passed on to third parties
You can get an online consultation regarding the results of test
Extensive control at each stage of testing
Free delivery of biomaterial across Russia
Email info@f-genetics.com for information
Whole genome sequencing is an effective diagnostic tool for many patients with a suspected hereditary pathology.